Values - Improves the stability and transparency of the Metaverse space
Value is the Metaverse Reserved Protocol on the Polygon Network depending on the $VALUES token. Each $VALUES token is backed by a resource chest (e.g. MAI, FRAX) in the Value store, providing a non-negligible fair value. The Value Protocol provides the possibility to support NFT tokens to storage liquidity. Value brings the monetary and hypothetical elements of the game to the market through tagging and holding. Value is part of a fork path for OlympusDAO with its own turn applied to NFT Bonding for the metaverse space and in light of the Polygon organization.
How does it work?
At a high level, Value consists of a protocol-managed treasury, protocol-held liquidity (POL), bond mechanisms, and wagering rewards designed to control supply expansion.
The sale of bonds generates profits for the protocol, and the treasury uses those profits to print $VALUES and distribute them to stakeholders. With liquidity bonds, the protocol can accumulate its own liquidity. See the entry below on the importance of POL.
Disrupt Value
They are likely to establish a strategy-driven liquidity framework for the NFT metaverse space, where the execution of the $VALUES token is controlled at a level that the DAO cannot deny. In the long term they accept this framework can be used to improve reliability and consistency with the aim that $VALUES can function as a unit-of-record and worldwide cash trading mode in a decentralized metaverse. In the meantime, we intend to improve the framework for the development and creation of abundance.
How do I follow Values?
There are two fundamental systems for market members: marking and holding. Shareholders stake their $VALUES tokens in exchange for more $VALUES tokens, while bonders provide LP or MAI tokens in exchange for limited $VALUES tokens then a fixed vesting period.
How can I profit from Value?
The main benefit for stakeholders comes from supply development. Beavers reap new $VALUES tokens from the repository, most of which are passed on to stakeholders who desperately need the $VALUES tokens they advertise. Furthermore, the gains for stakeholders will come from their automatic strengthening equilibrium, but value openness remains a significant consideration. That is, assuming the increase in the symbolic equilibrium outperforms the expected decrease in costs due to the expansion, the stakeholder will create a profit.
The principle benefit for bonders comes from the consistency of values. Bonders deliver capital openly and are guaranteed a reasonable return at the appointed time; the return is in $VALUES and in this way the bonder's profit will depend on the cost of $VALUES as the bond grows. Bonders benefit from rising or static $VALUES fees.
Who creates Value?
Values is an offshoot of OlympusDAO with turn implemented for the NFT space on the Polygon Network which will help with various tasks of building a decentralized metaverse. The central group has consolidated involvement with software engineering, cryptography, economics and planning. Followed by a long involvement with crypto. They like to remain mysterious for the achievement of this task because our target is changing to a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.
Values intends to address this by generating free stash money, $VALUES, backed by a pool of resources. By focusing on expanding supply instead of forecasting appreciation, Values believes that $VALUES can serve as cash holding its purchasing power with little regard for exhibits of uncertainty.
Who runs Values?
To date most of the choices have been made by the central group but the team hopes to quickly turn this into a DAO managed model with the value of your help expected to be the Metaverse Backup Protocol. At this time they will be aiming at development. By joining NFT and holding onto the framework, Value can turn into a major OHM fork with NFT loyalty.
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